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{{#if events}} {{#events}}
{{#if [EventImage]}} {{else}}  {{/if}}
{{{truncate (stripHTMLtags title) 44}}}
{{#compare oneDayEvent '==' 0}} {{moment startDate format='MM/DD/YYYY'}} - {{moment endDate format='MM/DD/YYYY'}} {{/compare}} {{#compare oneDayEvent '==' 1}} {{moment startDate format='MM/DD/YYYY'}} {{#compare allDayEvent '==' ('0')}} {{moment startDate format='hh:mm A'}} - {{moment endDate format='hh:mm A'}} {{/compare}} {{/compare}} {{#if [EventWidgetDescription]}}

{{truncate (stripHTMLtags EventWidgetDescription ) 82}}

{{/events}} {{/if}}

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